Monday, October 1, 2012

In Memoriam Kyra Kruz

I remember the labor day weekend in September 2012. I happened to stumble upon something striking about a man being found shot in the head dressed in woman's clothing.
As days passed the news spread fast within the LGBT community via Facebook beings though the body that was found could not be identified.
I then soon learned the body had been identified and several days from that, learning that it was Kyra. My heart skipped a beat. I started telling myself, "this is not true." I really could not believe what i was hearing. I soon become to accept the fact that Kyra was actually the one that was found dead. Now let me make this quite clear, i was able to accept the fact of Kyra being gone, but i was not able to accept the fact of the way the media described her. Kyra was not a man in womans clothing, Kyra was a transwoman! I became so irritate and angry that i immediately responded addressing the media. I got on the Philadelphia Gay Newspaper website and let them have it. I explained to them in a very nice way that they did not have to write that article the way they did, while i did understand they were going off a police report, as reporters i felt like it was obvious what was being written and they just did not have to write it like that

On 9/13/12 many, many members of the LGBT Community including members of Kyra's immediate family gathered. We gathered in love, peace, and most important in hopes of seeking justice for Kyra. I have made a page on Facebook, Justice For Kyra,
 We laughed, cried, and shared a lot of love for Kyra. The place was jammed packed with over 200+ people that Kyra either knew directly or indirectly.
I just cannot seem to understand why someone would want to do such a thing to such a beautiful woman.

I remember seeing Kyra within the community many of times. Kyra struggled with a lot of the  same things that i have struggled with. But one thing about Kyra, she always held her head up high and had the ability to encourage me.

Kyra was very well known to the LGBT Community. She was especially known for all her work with GALAEI, the Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative, a nonprofit group that focuses on HIV/AIDS outreach. Elicia Gonzales, the executive director, said Kruz turned up one day in 2010, wanting to know what she could do to help. She was initially stationed at the front desk, but later got a job counseling clients.
"She just immediately made the office light up," Gonzales said. "She didn't think of it as her job. It was her life's calling to give back to the community."

Meet Dawn Maher, Kyra's mother. Despite the circumstances, i have had the opportunity to personally meet this powerful woman. I remember the night I first met her. It was the night of Kyra's Vigil. I gave her a big hug just before the Vigil began and we exchanged a few words, not really much though.
Then it was that time for Dawn to speak about Kyra. I must say it was very hard for me to actually stand in a very crowded room to hear this woman speak. The tears began to roll, not stopping. I could feel her pain. One could only imagine what it had to of felt like for this woman.
Dawn's speech touched me. Dawn loved her daughter and still does. Dawn supported her child no matter what. It, just like many, behooves her as to why someone would do such a thing to her child.
In since meeting Dawn, i have been supportive to her and the rest of the family. 
I have made the promise to Dawn that if it is the last thing i do, i am going to assit her and the family in seeking justice for Kyra. LOVE YOU MAMA DAWN!!!

Meet me, Kat Delancey. A very well known spoken word artist and  Transwoman.
I have a lot of feelings about what has happened to my sister. I just cannot let this go unsolved. I am tired of my sisters murders going unsolved. I am tired of shit being  pushed under the rug.

I am proud to say that today i am taking a stand in seeking Justice For Kyra. Many ask me why. I tell them cause if it was me, i would want someone to do the same for me! 
Please feel free to visit the Justice For Kyra Page:   

Also, please visit Dawn Maher site and sign her guestbook:

Peace and Blessings all


Somewhere beyond the sunsets end
The skies are bright and fair
No shadows dim, no darkness falls
The land is peaceful there

Someone with the power to heal
To guide and understand
Is waiting there to claim our fears
And take us by the hand

So when a dear one heeds the call
Our hearts should be at rest
For there beyond the rainbow end
A loving God knows best


mommadawn said...

This is truly beautiful Kat, thank you so very much!!! xoxoxo I will be looking forward to seeing you on Saturday at the Trans Walk.
Much love, momma dawn

Unknown said...

This was soo Beautifully created..So much heart and warmth in your words..Kyra surely did have such beautiful friends..Much Love Kat and keep being YOU ♥

Dragonfly said...

Kat, love this you are a beautiful person and I know Kyra is grateful to have a friend like you. Stay strong and fight the fight because your worth it. Love you, Rhonda