1. Get in touch with yourself. The better that you know yourself, the less likely it is that you're going to react to the negative people in your life. This grounding of the self-inside of your own center will come in handy no matter what difficult person you're dealing with or what the situation is like.
2. Learn to spot the problems in advance. Anytime that you're dealing with the same difficult people again and again, you can begin to notice the signs and patterns that indicate that a difficult time is coming. This will allow you to prepare for the best way to deal with the situation.
3. Refuse to engage in arguments. It takes two people to argue so learning how to simply disengage from the argumentative situation will be a great tool for many of the difficult times that you encounter with others.
4. Smile freely. Although it will annoy some people that you're so happy, most people are going to find it less easy to be difficult if you're smiling and being kind to them.
5. Pick your battles. You may need to engage in disagreements with difficult people from time to time but be smart about picking your battles so that your battles so that you're only getting into heated situations when it's actually worth it to you.
6. Recognize and honor the differences between the two of you. Many of our issues with difficult people come from the fact that they have very different beliefs from us or very different ways of communicating. Look for what those differences are and then honor them in your mind. Cherish what makes you unique from them.
7. Respect others in spite of your differences and problems. A key thing to remember in dealing with all the negative people is that it's important to try to respect everyone's right to be who they are. Treat them in a respectful manner even when you don't feel like it. Eventually they will likely return this respect.
8. Learn to set boundaries. Although you should respect others, you should also demand that they respect you. You don't do this by asking them to but instead by creating what is called healthy boundaries in all situations so that they can't infringe upon you unfairly.
9. Don't assume that your way is the right way. Even if you come up with great solutions, remain open to the possibility that you don't know everything and consider the input of the other person as well.
10. Walk away. In many cases, there may not be an easy solution to an immediate situation with a difficult person bit if you're in a position to walk away then you can at least get a break from the intensity of the situation.
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