Monday, May 21, 2012


My value is not determined by:
the money I make,
the size of my paycheck
or even if i get one
the clothes I have,
where I got them
or the labels inside them
the house I live in,
if I own or rent
or the neighborhood it's in
the car I drive,
practical and old
or fancy and new
the diplomas I have,
where they are from
or where they "should" be from
It's all just stuff.
God doesn't care
what clothes I wear
what car I drive
He loves me in spite of my stuff.
When I get caught up in needing more, needing new
He still loves me
He waits right by me
"Ok, kiddo - if you think so...
but I don't care about your stuff -
having that is not going to make you feel whole
or make you feel better.
But I will let you figure it out,
and I will just love you."
My worth, my value, is not determined by what I own.
I refuse to feel less than
someone with more
I am more
than my stuff

Another Sad Mother's Day

It’s another sad Mother’s Day,
Since you have been gone.
It seems like yesterday,
But the memories still lingers on.

I speak of you often,
To family and friends.
Of laughter and love,
From beginning to end.

I picture your smile,
And the twinkle in your eye.
Your courage and strength,
As time passes by.

You’ve suffered much pain,
Many days on earth.
But instead, you thought of others,
Ever since my birth.

Now you have gone,
To a much better place.
Where forever you will be,
In heaven and grace.

I love you and miss you mother,
With tears in my eyes :(....
I hope you still proud of me,
As you watch me from the sky.